Friday, March 30, 2012

One more question regarding Reporting action

All the reporting action samples I read from AdventureWorks, when pass link and parameter to the report in reporting service, is linked to the report as Analysis Service data source based report.

I am wondering if reporting action can pass parameter to regular relational db based reporting service report not Analysis Service data source based report.

If yes, could you share a simple sample?

I can't see why the data source of a report would matter, when using a reporting action. The Adventure Works examples may all be using an Analysis Services data source just for convenience. Have you tried editing an existing Adventure Works reporting action, to point to a relational report instead?|||

Hi Deepak, thank you so much for your reply! Yes, I did try the following using AW AS and AW sample reports RS projects:

Here is my reporting action:

Name: Sales Order Detail

Target Type: Dimension members

Target object: Internet Sales Order Detail


ReportPath:ReportServer?/AdventureWorks Sample Reports/Sales Order Detail

Parameters NameTongue TiedalesOrderNumber (Match the one at Sales Order Detail report

Parameter Value: [Internet Sales Order Details].[Sales Order Number].[Sales Order Number].CurrentMember.Name

And I make sure Sales Order Detail Report is running correctly and parameter is matching the parameter name I defined at the cube reporting action. Then I deploy the cube, however when drop the Sale Order Number dimension and right click, there is no Reporting Action showing up.

Could you give me some pointers?



Did you configure the "Caption", under "Additional Properties" - if not, you can refer to the Adventure Works "Sales Reason Comparisons" action, whose Caption is defined as an MDX expression:

"Sales Reason Comparisons for " +

[Product].[Category].CurrentMember.Member_Caption + "..."


Thanks again. Just did that and deployed.

"Sales Reason Comparisons for " + [Internet Sales Order Details].[Sales Order Number].[Sales Order Number].CurrentMember.Member_Caption + "..."

However reporting action is still not showing. Deepak, anything else I miss?


|||Can't think of anything else - are you able to see the standard Reporting action which comes with Adventure Works, ie. "Sales Reason Comparisons"? If so, I would suggest making a test copy of Adventure Works, and progressively modifying this action to incorporate your report in small steps, till it breaks - or maybe it doesn't break!

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