Wednesday, March 28, 2012

One data source view and multiple data source


In my datawarehouse we have different database one for dimensions and one for fact tables.

can we create a cube to pull dimensions from one data soure and fact from other databsource?

I recommend you to have the fact tables and the dimensions in the same database.

Your long term quick-fix is to use views between the databases.

Your short scenario description looks like you are building a cube directly from a source system.

If you need to connect another source system you will have to create a data wareouse to consolidate each source.

If not, you wille be creating information silos above each source system that you cannot connect to a second system.


Thomas Ivarsson

|||both the source are on the same SQL Server but different databases, I was planning to use View but was just considering the performance impact that will cause.|||

Actually Analysis Services allows for having dimensions and parittions to come from different datasources.

The caveat here is not to use different datasources to define your dimension. In such case Analysis Services might decide to use OPENROWSET clause as part of the query it sends during processing of dimension. This would slow you down considerably. But having partitions to come from different datasource should be perfectly fine.

Run Profier to capture SQL queries Aanlysis Server sends during processing and verify you dont get OPENROWSET is these queries.

Edward Melomed.
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