Saturday, February 25, 2012

OLE DB Command and Select

I am trying to run a select command on an OLE DB Command transform such as:

Select * from table where id = ?

I have the mapping to the parameter working and the command is working but how to map the select output to columns when you can't create output columns on the OLE DB Command?

Is this the correct transform to use?


No, it isn't the correct transformation.

You want to use the Lookup transformation instead.

The SQL for the lookup will just be: Select * from table
Then you'll map the incoming column to the id column in the lookup table. (No parameters necessary)

Also, FYI - you'll be better off performing a "select column1, column2, column3, ... from table" than using a "select *" format.|||

thanks for the quick response. I tried that but didn't look far enough into the columns tab to see what it was doing.


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